Thursday, February 5, 2009


I start the day with a list of homes to see. Some on caravan, a couple are new listings. I found 2 propertunities and one "not bad" deal.

On the way out I get another "trulia" call. This guy has an agent, but I pitch my new listing as a propportunity anyway. I don't get the buyer, but he is all jacked up to get in with his agent. I forgot to prospect for other biz with him.

These are the propportunities I found today:

1. Armada, really nicely done, cozy character 2/1 in a very upscale area. $599k and perfect for a downsizer

2. 2 houses side by side on V(?) in Altadena, Each one is $370k Seperate lots, but it would be so neat to buy them together! One house is dirty beyond belief, but there is a magic here. The other is just really artsy and funky. The lot is pure magic with stately oaks, moture trees and curving leaf strewn paths. I love it. Area is very nice. Great opportunity for fix up one rent the other, or for a compound.

3. Not bad deal, Forest in Altadena for $500k I just sold a home nearby that is 1100 sf for $325k and this is 1700sf for $500k - so it is an "ok" deal.

For good or bad, I get hijacked immediately upon return to office by Mom stuff. I never recover. I didn't even have enough in me to prospect the attorney. I was jacked to do it, I rehearsed how I would pitch my propportunity, but I either chicken out or I let Mom get under my skin... can't really say for sure which one.

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